What would be the best gift we could give anyone – well yes you have it – a Rose Cloak for them to wear day and night. The Rose Cloak is a gift of sustenance and joy. When you imagine someone wearing a Rose Cloak you send them a gift beyond price. The Cloak envelopes the wearer in a special form of rose energy, which can make such a difference to them and to their daily lives. This gift provides an opportunity for gentle change because the change made from the sanctity of the Rose Cloak comes from a position of love and security. So do not hesitate – make the gift today!
Just recently it has become important for those who are already wearing the Rose Cloak to change the roses on their Cloak – this is because there is such a change in the energy – an upsurge of so much hurt and wounding all over the world – the Cloaks have absorbed the negative energy and changed it and they have kept us safe and secure.
So now is the time to refresh them.
Now is the time for us to change and enhance these beautiful roses, to thank them for their contribution to our well-being and to bring in new even more iridescent colours, forms and flowers.
In addition whenever anyone is in trouble and you want to help them without interfering with their personal choice one of the most illuminating ways to change the energy is to send in the Rose Army. The Rose Army can be galvanized for a special situation – they are one of the most potent healing tools available to the Rose family.
Cris Henderson
This blog is dedicated to my mother Alexia Cox, who was laid to rest many years ago. I was privileged to be with my mother at the end of her days. She was a real lady and those who knew her all said the same. Mother asked me to write my book ‘Cancer Help’ which is based on the research that I collected when I was nursing her towards the end of her life. She came into my room once and there I was surrounded with research. She said – what are you going to do with all this when I have gone? I said I did not know. She asked me then to write a book to help others – and that is exactly what I did. My mother saw the very beginning of my writing career – I used to write her poems when I was four years old. She is missed and my thoughts often reach out to her particularly when I feel she is visiting the Rose Valley.
Time is collapsing, and the energy is becoming larger and larger. It is expanding beyond our expectations. You have come here to use that energy first – to link with it, to expand it further and to maximise it – so this is what is happening now within the rose energetic vibration.
This is the next stage of Rose Consciousness – and you, dear friend, are right in the middle of it.
Perhaps sometimes you wonder just what is going on as you walk the Rose Road determined to find your way through and beyond any obstacles sent to deter you – sometimes such obstacles make you waste time – they make you deviate – or there are other obstacles that are there to make you pause from your hectic round and reflect on your Rose Role in the world – yes, if you are reading this you have a Rose Role – a special role to play in bringing in all of the elements of Rose Consciousness – so what is yours – are you able to summarise it – if you would like to share it with me I would love to know – thank you for all you are doing to make this world a better place – thank you for your commitment and for your enduring love of the rose. Thank you.
So what is going on now?
Hardly a day goes by without my receiving calls for advice or rose help. The tests are coming thick and fast now – we are being stretched until we surrender. As you know we are creating pathways of Rose Consciousness as we release our own Rose Codes and pull the energy into our bodies that will assist with the immense changes. You are supporting others so that they may not have to go through what you have gone through. So again thank you to all those who have been working through their issues in their own way yet contributing to the whole. This will assist in the change of the paradigm – this will change what needs to be changed. If you need further help please contact me directly or download the following guide from my web site www.rosealchemist.com. Here is a short extract.
So many people have been writing to me for help over recent months that I have decided to put together a Rose Plan as a special guide through the energetic issues we are all facing as we move into the greatest change of all times. These ideas may release a range of ideas that can be added in to this document until we have a rich and juicy formula for change, adaption and ultimate expansion. You know some of them, however the intent is the order in which they are given and the overall plan. Repeating them in this sequence will act as a code in its own right to open the energy of Rose Consciousness for you to receive. This document comes with Rose Blessings for your journey. You are not alone. You will never be alone.
Things are changing on the Web of Life as well – and naturally this reflects on our daily lives – the following poem typifies what is happening there. As you know The Web of Life has its own Managing Director. It is the black goddess who organizes and activates this amazing creation. She is the creator – but there is more – she is the Web of Life itself.
Overcoming vertigo
We fly up on the web
The colours singing
They bounce around our head
The stars beam brightly
And the lights they are strong
There is nothing that can stop us
From flying right along
Step inside the car now
It is large and bright and new
It is sparkling all over
Enjoy the fabulous view
Thunder and lightning
Announce that we are here
Riding in style
In a very different sphere
So if things get too critical move up to the Web of Life – that place where you can create exactly what you want – and look back down on Mother Earth from your vantage point – whilst there please ask for the two words to tell you whatever is happening in your life and what you can do about it – the amazing words – truth and reveal!
Recently I saw a video called ‘Frackman.’ I don’t know how many people have seen this particular video. I found it startling and difficult to watch – until I remembered to fly up into the heavens and look down on the situation when it became less significant – however it made me realise just what was happening only a little way from my door. It was the same feeling that I had when I wrote about the slaughter of the horses which still goes on the mainland at the abattoir not too far from the island on which I live.
Often nothing seems to change even though the things that are happening are morally wrong – often the spiritual words do not seem to impact on daily life and people continue to be able to overrule the rights of others.
Dayne Pratzky decided when his home was threatened to stand up and be counted. He became known as Frackman after protesting in a white hazmat suit against Coal Stream Gas in his neighbourhood of Chinchilla in Queensland, Australia. The whole video intrigued me – and then, there are no coincidences in this world of course – I was on a plane going to Sydney when I happened – yes, just happened – to be sitting next to a young couple who were on their way to Peru. We talked about Peru as I had been there – then we traded travel tips – and suddenly I said to them – I saw the film ‘Frackman’ the other day – and as a result I joined ‘Lock the Gate.’ That statement unleashed an extraordinary conversation – an amazing insight into what was happening from the person sitting next to me on the plane, because, yes, you guessed it – he was from Chinchilla and he and his family are watching what is happening and wondering when it might happen to them too.
One of the other reasons for joining ‘Lock the Gate’ is that it is time for me to stand up and be counted. This may not be for everyone – and many of you reading this will not agree with this sort of action – you will perhaps suggest that remaining cloistered and quiet and sending love to the situation as a more potent way to proceed – however for some of us the time has come to make the difference in the physical as well as in the esoteric. When we can do both and bring the two together then things will crack wide open and we will see the physical change.
I often find that people hesitate just when they are on the verge of making the biggest changes in their lives and the ones that will have the most impact on others. They fret and worry and want to stay in the same place – they pause and wait when one big leap of faith will take them into a whole new world! They begin to focus on what others are and are not doing – whether they are well or sick or need help – or whatever it is when in fact if they got on with their own expansion this expansion would help everyone including their sick friend or relative. Of course there is always time to pause and help – which is why I recommend the healing fields and the prayer lists – and you can find much more on this topic on my web site.
The energy has changed and now it is time for me to select something that needs changing and to go out and do it – it is time to marry the physical and spiritual in absolute harmony and to bring in the changes we know must come. It is time to make friends with the system and defeat it!
On Rachel Weiss’s programme ‘The Spirit of Things’ earlier this year with the great writer, human rights activist and survivor of the Nazi camps Elie Wiesel says that actions are more important than intentions – and what he says is very relevant for this time in our history too. He noticed how miracles flew away from his consciousness – something that he had believed in so much as a child. However his belief in God never left him and he went on to be a great human rights activist working in both the spiritual and the physical to create change.
So what do you want to change today? What cries out to you? Don’t wait any longer as I say over and over again in my book ‘The Rose Revolution’ – Now is the time!
Recently when I went through some old files I found something really fascinating – many of you will know of Annie, my friend who died last year – and how I watched her pass away along with her family and many other loyal friends – as she struggled with cancer.
This is what she wrote about my sacred poetry – and I thought of her and cried again when I read this. It is so fascinating that out of all the friends who have passed away recently – so many who have decided to leave and not to go on at this time – it is Annie who claims my attention – Annie whom I miss so much all of the time – and Annie who comes to me in my dreams and meditation.
This is what she wrote.
Many years ago I read an anthology by George Trevelyan about the use of poetry in expanding consciousness.
Now some 20 years on, I have been privileged to have received a number of sacred poems written by Cris Henderson which are on a par with these earlier poets and bring an added dimension of the feminine essence in the awakening of our mind.
Her words bring to the present moment, the energy that is required to shift and change any situation. Her insight and skill is remarkable as she allows consciousness to emerge from the lines.
She illuminates the essence of Spirit that pervades all things and, in doing so, creates the possibility for transformation in peoples’ lives. The words live and breathe on the page and will resonate with whatever healing energy you require.
Cris Henderson performs magic with her poetry and I highly recommend these treasures to continue the age-old use of poetry in the awakening of consciousness.
Annie Wiseman
MSc. BA(Hons)
Medical Herbalist
Facilitator of Access Energy Transformation
So if you would like me to write for you – I am here and happy to work with you to achieve something unique and special to help you to expand your energetic vibration.
Just the other day I taught a friend introductory Rose Reiki in person. I am most grateful for this beautiful day that we shared together – a day of fun, fellowship, laughter and energetic intensity. I had forgotten how beautiful Rose Reiki is in its own right as I have moved on to integrate it with Rose Seichim and generate a new form of healing, Rose Alchemy. It was so interesting to be immersed in the masculine energy – to do the attunements – and to begin the initiations. One of the main differences between Reiki and Rose Reiki is that Reiki uses attunements to bring in the new level of energy – and Rose Reiki includes initiations in the form of expansive initiations. The combination of the two is truly magnificent – it seems to meld with the current expansion of energy. So if you are interested please contact me – I am ready to teach this beautiful form of the Rose by distance education.
Alex recently sought help from the Rose for a safe passage back to Australia from Fiji. She is home safely and recovering well. This is what she has written –
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for support from all the Rose sisters , with the love of the Rose, during this time of energetic change .
I have arrived back in Australia safely feeling fully supported at all times
Love light and roses Alex xxx
The following piece comes from Pam – thank you for your beautiful work Pam. Pam writes as follows about her personal Rose Road.
These are 3 key attributes that have been key to me whilst walking this road
1. Surrender to be in Oneness
2. The importance of managing my Energy and my Space
3. Detachment from outcome
Since working with Cris, her courses and books, I am aware of profound changes in my Journey.
Not only has the Energy of the Rose transformed as I use it consciously every day, but the readings and study of Cris’s life-affirming work brought to me a wonderful understanding on the connectivity of Life in areas of my lives that I had not seen as being so intricately woven.
It has been as though the Rose Path showed me directly the link just as fascia links a fibrous matrix throughout our physical body and carries messages, holds information and releases insight when we work consciously with it.
I am understanding the importance of Surrender to the Rose and that without it, I am not able to step into the work required to live within the Rose.
I have seen how Surrender is both a Choice and at the same time it is an actual Step into surrender and a process of Allowing.
Holding a space, consciously managing my energy by using the Rose Cloak, the Rose Orb and calling on the Rose Angels and Army to assist so that the Rose Energy can transform a space, are all key to my journey in Oneness.
A recent trip I took in Asia saw my experience reinforce that conscious intention within the Rose transforms my space.
Travelling in a small airplane, we encountered engine trouble, and denied landing at our airport in China, we flew onto a distant airport and were isolated somewhere on a distant tarmac, somewhere in China.
I had been reading Cris’s latest book on my trip and specifically during this flight and the book was held on my lap the entire time we are grounded but not allowed to disembark.
I consciously called in the Rose army and my cloak and worked with the Energy to hold a Sacred space of the Rose in the plane.
7 hours later after waiting on board and without food, one bottle of water and a crew who spoke little English, we were allowed to disembark.
We boarded another flight, I had missed my connection and a hotel was arranged in an area of China that was clearly not frequented by foreigners.
I was struck by how supported, how held and embraced I was within the Rose at all times and it seemed to me that the Rose Codes in the book on my lap brought a transformation into the space on that airplane.
I consciously released expectation to the outcome and trusted with deep Peace that all that was required was that I hold my energy and invite the Rose to support this.
This insight was distinctly significant to me and I cannot adequately express my Gratitude for the insights that are guided my way and for the support of Cris to hold space for me on this journey.
Sometimes the most profound insights simply creep in on slippers but bring Winds of Irrevocable Change into my life.
Thank you to The Rose, the Rose Angels and Cris for being an agent of transformation.
Blessed Be -With Love, Grace and Gratitude
Thank you to those who contacted me about the last Rose Blog with positive feedback about sacred space. I promised to continue this conversation. So I thought you would be interested in the power of talking to your own home. Our house, the Rose House, recently required work as the result of a storm. It was only a small hit however it prevented worse damage – often the way with the energy – when there is a small accident, hit, damage or anything similar – it may be that you have been protected from something far worse – and that certainly seemed to be the way with the Rose House. The sage continued for several weeks and I watched the ebb and flow of the energy with some interest. It came to the day when the work was to be done and, even though I had prepared carefully, there was no sign of the workmen who appeared to have been delayed by traffic congestion. I wandered around the house wondering what had happened and what this was about energetically as everything, as we know, is connected to everything else. And then I realised – I had not consulted the house – I had not talked to the Rose House and asked her if she was happy about the work being done on her, the people who were to do the work and whether she had any special requirements. Within five minutes the workmen were there – the house had been consulted – she was happy and the work proceeded! So never forget as I did temporarily to consult your sacred space if work is happening there – anything – cleaning, pest control, movement of furniture – whatever it is – she will tell you – and then you will be able to adjust to her requirements and all will be well!
There are a couple of new releases to announce this time. There is a new Rose YouTube. If you are in need of help at any time and you cannot reach me one of the best things to do is to play all the YouTube presentations on my web site in the order in which they appear. The vibration of these videos will enhance your vibration and you should certainly feel a lot better.
And again on the web site there is the first in a series of Rose Consciousness playbooks – I hope that you find it helpful for your Rose Journey.
Best wishes for your Rose Journey
The rose blog is not a substitute for the advice of a trained professional such as a medical doctor or a professional counsellor. It is essential to consult such a professional in the case of any symptoms, either mental or physical, or for the practical application of financial advice. The author expressly disclaims any liability for injuries or loss resulting from the use of the material contained in the rose blog.