This issue of my blog is dedicated to the amazing Rose Sisters. How fortunate I am to know such a group of strong, reliable, incredible women. They are all, without exception, women of outstanding courage and commitment. Bless you all with roses! And thank you for being a part of my life.

Many people have expressed surprise that the option I chose to express rose union involved a partnership with the men and women in white coats – the medical profession. For someone who has railed against the system to now decide to enter it is something that is certainly unexpected! Even to myself! However it is time for the wounds of the past to be healed – for the partnership between all parties to become a reality. And if I can be part of the healing of the wounds that go back centuries then I am grateful for that!
Cris Henderson

The arm operation about which I spoke in my last blog activated a new portal in my consciousness. It opened me to a new level of reality. I am not sure how this happened. I just know that it did. As one level of my world closed down and the journey of the fracture was completed; then another opened before me and brought with it a sense of endless possibilities. It felt as if the script for this new phase remained unwritten. It opened me to new experiences, new sensations and new understandings. In preparation for this change I claimed in meditation and in prayer that I was totally willing to go through this experience and that I was willing to receive the new vibrations as appropriate for the next stage of the Rose Road. I also expressed gratitude for the energy of transformation which I felt I was receiving in waves of pure white energy – the white rose made her presence felt too – I could see her beckoning me, beckoning me on and on – so wherever she went – I followed.


In addition there was a change in my DNA which reflected the removal of all the elements of the Rose Covenant – even though this really did seem to have happened a very long time ago. In my dreaming I perceived an activation of the beginning of a wonderful new phase of freedom and ease in my life. At the same time the strands of poverty consciousness seemed as if they were being replaced by wealth consciousness – I can’t explain it really – there was just a turnaround – I could feel it in my body – and I felt as if a rare combination of total health, energy, well-being, fun, joy, laughter, travel, potency and generosity of spirit combined with gratitude enduring friendships had entered my sphere. And I was calm at my core – this was the most beautiful sensation of all – after a year of pure agony when I soldiered on with the arm, the pain and simply kept on keeping on this change was one for which I am truly so grateful. These elements were all woven into strands that linked with my Web of Life. As I dreamt them more and more the strands began to move into the physical and to reveal a form of themselves in my everyday life. Again I cannot really explain how this happened – I can only say that I dreamt it and I felt it and experienced it over and over again.

Somehow the operation helped me to loosen my tight hold on this reality – it helped me to open up to make room for miracles and expanded visions – I was being assisted to take the quantum leap into the unknown about which I have written so much. It was as if I had made a conscious choice to function from a different space, a different viewpoint and all these elements were part of this change in some outstandingly curious way. It was as if at last I realised that I do have a unique destiny – just as you do – and every day that path is now being revealed to me in new ways as I open to a different time and space continuum. Without the medical intervention I may not have been able to make this shift as quickly.

And then I realised what all this meant – and what had really happened – the shadow on my soul had been lifted.


Beyond the boundaries of life I fly, over and over and further and further. I guess anyone who knew about it would suggest it was a feeling enhanced by the unreality of the operation – this enormous euphoria – this attempt to break through all the boundaries I have ever known. I look back at Mother Earth and I find the spots where I need to visit, to leave a rose for someone, to commemorate something and I do this effortlessly. Recently I found the Rose Wingmaker and asked her permission to tell you that she has been located. Originally she designed and made wings for the great Goddess Isis in the Egyptian Mystery School where she went directly from Atlantis. I seemed to be flying in rose wings myself and expanding as I did so. Perhaps finding her has opened the door to us all finding our special wings. It was certainly a landmark Rose Reading.

The next phase of recovery at home appeared at times to be more difficult than being in the hospital – so I flew whenever things got too tough – whenever I could not sleep or rest with ease – when I knew that the nerves in my arm that had been unwound from the positions they had taken up around my muscles – when I felt that my whole body was on fire – I flew – and as I flew – I expanded.

It became more glorious each time and each time I went further. Then I began to meet other beings as I flew and this was even more exciting as we often flew together and that enhanced the energy even further.


On the second day after the operation I felt as if my room was filled with dancing roses – they seemed to be celebrating – and I certainly felt as if I would like to do so.

The roses danced and pranced
They waltzed, they jived
They did the Pride of Erin
They jitterbugged
They rocked, they rolled
In every form of dance
They came
Gravitating through the hospital
Opening the dark crevices,
Releasing the stored pain
Prying into hidden corners
Alleviating anxiety
Elevating energy
Generating grace
And gratitude
I watched with delight
This gorgeous show
I felt myself lifted up
To join in the marvellous mirage
And I too became
As light as a feather
And the healing commenced
I felt it coming in glorious waves
Expanding everywhere
It washed over me
It entered my crevices and cracks
It opened me to continue to receive
From the man in the white coat
And I did
And was healed
And gladly accepted
The change
The momentum strengthened
The portal opened
And I found
The wellspring of life and love
Within me
Called Grace and Gratitude!



I was very aware of the healing and prayerful help being sent to me in the hospital, at the time of the operation itself and beyond. I could sense the combined presence of the Rose Sisters and Rose Friends who seemed to create a beautiful blanket of roses to support me with their healing and prayers.

So thank you one and all for bringing the power of the rose to me in my time of need.

My Rose Sister, Diana, took me to the hospital and did so much to help me through this tricky situation that it defies description. It was she who helped to save my life on the beach in Atlantis too – so thank you Sister – I am so glad I found you in this life once again – and on this Island!

And another special Rose Sister turned up in the hospital with a beautiful bunch of flowers and did a gentle reflexology to stimulate my arm and its return to normal functions. Our quiet time together there was just so valued.

Other sisters sent or gave me exceptional things before the operation and these I took to the hospital. We joked that I turned up with all my artefacts – no wonder my handbag was heavy as there they all were moving around the hospital as I moved, generating love and roses everywhere.

And my special sister in Bundaberg as well as providing me with a powerful artefact took me repeatedly to the Healing Fields of Heaven – I could not seem to access them myself so she took me regularly – and it was so beautiful I could always feel her presence and the nature and depth of the journey.

My Rose Sister in England was so present in my thoughts as I could feel her standing right next to the bed when I waited in the room adjacent to the operating theatre – and with all these combined presences I felt absolutely no fear.

And so there were many of you standing by and sending the whispering winds of healing and change to help me to revolutionize the system simply by being there, accepting the help of the medical profession and seeing things from their point of view. And for this I will always be most grateful!


I was aware of the energy of Mary when I was in the hospital, however I did not see her in the same way as I did all those years ago. Instead it was St. Michael in human form. His name was Mick and he appeared as a night nurse on the night of the operation. When he entered the room then the energy changed and was enhanced – it was delightful and delicious and different. He told me what to expect, how to cope with it and generally advised me of things that I had not even considered. When I said goodbye to him several nights later I asked – do you know how much you help people here? – We connected at that moment in a deep manner – eye to eye – soul to soul – and then he was gone again. Thankyou Mick!


As mentioned the healing and prayers helped me so much with the operation. For example, I did not have to have a bone graft from anywhere else in the body – I simply grew enough bone in the 12 month interval to ensure that it was not necessary. However I did have to have an enormous steel plate inserted in my arm – and I had to integrate her into my body through a process of subtle alignment. To do this I decided to give the plate a name – and of course it was – you guessed it – Rosie. I realised early on when Rosie was helping me to exercise that she was actually a Steel Rose™ – this is the first time I have known about Steel Roses – and she is continuing to tell me more – I hope to be able to post more on this topic next time. In the meantime thank goodness for Rosie!


Jackie French is an Australian author who writes mainly young adult books. I had never read any of her material; however just before I went into the hospital I grabbed a book off my bookshelves entitled A Rose for the Anzac Boys. What an amazing read this book was – the story of women in the Great War as they worked as ambulance drivers, as volunteers, in a variety of capacities and even travelled to the Great War under their own auspices – well to be honest I had never really thought about that aspect of the so-called Great War at all. In the Rose Revolution I wrote about the bravery exhibited by so many women in diverse areas – however I realised I have completely neglected these women. And so I devoured this book from the moment, three days after the operation, when I could read – and I simply could not put it down. Jackie French writes so compellingly that it is hard to leave any book of hers alone until it is finished. And then I began to explore her other young adult books including Pennies for Hitler and Hitler’s Daughter. I certainly was not disappointed.

On her web site it says – we will change the world and it will be extraordinary – I love it! Jackie is also Senior Australian of the Year for 2015. On page 267 in A Rose for the Anzac Boys there is a heading ‘The Roses of No-Man’s Land’ in which the author explains how the women came to be there – in France. Thank you Jackie for extending my understanding of women’s contribution in this area that had previously been largely unknown to me.

The next book that came into my hands to read during my convalescence was The English German Girl. This is the story of the Kinder transport – again this was something that I knew so little about – it begins in Berlin in 1933 as the world around the Klein family collapses. Their daughter – her name of course is Rosa – is put on a Kinder transport train to England. This is an inspirational journey and again a book that I could not put down – it seemed as if the subtle energy of the rose was present here as with Jackie French’s books.rose113


Last time when I wrote about the beautiful book ‘I Draw Roses’ the link I posted was not live. My apologies. Here is the live link. It has also been updated in the last blog.


Union – or perhaps we can call it integration – is spreading through all sorts of areas where at first it might have been seen as unusual. Take Rose Alchemy for an example. Rose Alchemy calls to the soul. It is a resonant call for the individual to remember the basis and form of their mystical power. This mystical power reminds us of our origins as we come originally from the stars – and, as you know, the members of the Sisterhood of the Rose come from the Dog Star, the Blue Star – Sirius. Rose Alchemy provides a platform for the practical application of this mystical power. It trains it to become relevant to the daily world. In fact you become, as you absorb the power of the sacred rose, a revered technician – one who is able to integrate points of polarity into one sacred whole.

Practising Rose Alchemy brings one to a point of direct connection with the Source. Rose Alchemy assists one to transform the illusion of duality. The study of Rose Alchemy helps to break open the constraining shells of past patterns. It helps to dissolve any current belief systems that are shackling us to the past. It opens the Rose Gateway™ to all aspects of the Rose Healing Fields and beyond. It prepares us to go through a seemingly insurmountable wall. However once we find this special gateway then the pattern optimizes and we are able to envision the future clearly once again.
Should you have an interest in training as a Rose Alchemist please get in touch with me as soon as possible. The time is now!


One element that I experienced difficulty with as I recovered were the physio exercises. They are so boring. So repetitive – well perhaps they have to be like that – however I was drawn away from the exercises to Mudras. Sitting on my shelf was a book called just that – Mudras: yoga in your hands by Gertrud Hirschi.

What an amazing book this is – so when I felt like it and I always asked my body – and Rosie – whether it was right to do the physio work – and I did take notice.

However I did not repeat slavishly the number of times that was suggested, do them in the order suggested, or anything else for that matter. I just worked the exercises with Rosie when we decided that it was time.

One of the Mudras that particularly appealed to me is the Joint Mudra. It is so easy to do this – it is just a matter of application and concentration – and as it is applied this mudra balances the energy running through the joints. It is no 37 in the book and I highly recommend it. I also love the Hakini Mudra which is no 27 – this enables the integration between the left and right brain and is particularly applicable at this time of energetic transformation. It also improves concentration and alerts new mental powers.

And now I also want to mention the finger Mudras. This book outlines meditations for individual fingers and consequently enhancement of the strength that they contain. It is productive to meet and greet one’s fingers. The exercises are highly recommended for those periods during the long night when sleep is elusive – for a time in your life when you may be experiencing recovery from illness – or when you are simply able to take some time out for yourself and enhance your relationship with your body. After all, all this requires is embracing a finger with the fingers of your other hand – it is simple, specific and has outstanding results.

And so I recommend this book and the Mudras it contains for use during this time of intense change and beyond.


Recently I came across another group of sisters called the Sisters of the Sacred Phoenix. Their body of work is directly associated with our opening to rose consciousness™ and the sign of the triple Phoenix. Many of the people in the Sacred Phoenix group were present at the Feast of Cana and many are in our lives today. Maybe you are from this Phoenix heritage. If so perhaps reading this will open up another layer of your essential self. Should you have any further information about this group of Sisters I would indeed be most grateful to hear from you.


By the time you receive this blog the huge energetic changes of the weekend of 20th to 22nd March will be in progress or perhaps they will be complete. This was a rare event and I wonder where it will take us next. As you know a New Moon Solar Eclipse occurring during the March Equinox will increase the monumental shifts of energy, vibration and consciousness. This quickening will be moving us all into increased levels, higher frequency and a faster vibration of energy.

I would very much like to hear of your experiences so please write to me about them.


At last I have been able to recommence work on Book 5 in the Rose Series – The Rose Miracle. The greatest gift we can give anyone is the ability to restore their personal Miracle Gene. Everyone has such a gene however during our rose journeys we have often subdued it, changed it, downplayed it, altered it or removed it in order to remain safe and undetected. This has gone on for centuries and now is the time for the restoration of the miracle gene in all of us to take place. This is the moment.

Has the energy of the rose created any miracles in your life? Would you be able to tell me about them? I would love to hear. Just email me at

. Thank you.

In the next issue of my blog I will be talking more about the Rose Miracle – finding it has been one of the greatest experiences of my life – it has changed everything for the better – so together with the changes from the operation and the Rose Miracle gene – it is onwards and upwards for us all. Till next time.

Rose thoughts and wishes,




The rose blog is not a substitute for the advice of a trained professional such as a medical doctor or a professional counsellor. It is essential to consult such a professional in the case of any symptoms, either mental or physical, or for the practical application of financial advice. The author expressly disclaims any liability for injuries or loss resulting from the use of the material contained in the rose blog.



No parts of this blog may be used publicly, reproduced, taught or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by information storage and retrieval systems, without the express written permission of the author, except by reviewers who may quote brief passages for inclusion in a review.